Sunday, March 29, 2015


HELLO Guys, I Have Updated chapter seven at Tapastic Check it out. More Exciting Chapters and pages to come. By the way Almost done with chapter 9, All I need is to buy pens, I should have finished chapter 9 if only my boss did't steal my precious unipin. Well here is the sneak peak. ENJOY ^_^


We haven't seen this few days because I was transferred to other division in our work. Despite of not seeing, it doesn't mean that I will stop surprising her. even though I'm not with her, I want her to feel that I love her no matter if has wall or blockage in our way, I'll find a way to break it just to make her smile. So I did Surprise her. Her smile in the picture was enough to me. What I did was she ask me if I have luggage bag because she needs it for her trip. And so I let her borrow my luggage bag without knowing her that there are roses, choco donuts, drawings, letters, and teddy bear inside of it. She messages me at facebook that after my work I should check my facebook. and here it is... she send me pictures how happy she was. SHE'S SO CUTE ISN'T IT? PRICELESS.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


First, what is Mangaka? Mangaka or Manga Artist is a cartoonist or author influenced by Japanese style of art. Being manga artist isn’t easy as you think. They dedicated almost of their time spend to write and to draw. They almost sacrifice their social life just to pursue this career. It’s like a gamble to find a manga publishing to serialize their manga. What I mean to gamble is that there two option of the fate of your work, it is either “pass” and continue and become successful to the career or “fail” and retry, review, and re-edit, and improve more of your manga or make new story or find other manga publishing, and if still no luck then manga career is not for you. I recommend you better stop as soon as earlier. It is a waste of your time. If you are not confident to submit your manga in manga publishing, better try to make a web-comic and publish it publicity or join to site for artist like “Deviantart”. Internet is vast and wide, you might use this as advantage to improve more of your skills and gain more readers and fans that will might support you financially like donations to your manga in order to sustain your materials. You can let the readers comment what’s on their mind of your manga and let them make a review and criticize your story and art. Accept the critics, either it is a compliment or insult, it is for your good. Trust me. ^_^ There are four important to consider as a “Mangaka”. Time, Money, Talent, and Dedication and Determination. “TIME”, we need to spend most our time to make story and the quality of the drawing. Scripting, Editing, Story Making, Character Making, Paneling, Drafting, and Inking will sot you lot of time. “MONEY”, of course financial is a big priority as a Mangaka. We need good pens that will not prone to blot, good quality paper that will not easily tear or rip, good eraser that will not leave a smudge, rulers and template for scripting and borders, and reference book that guides you the Anthropometry and proper proportion of your desire models or characters. “TALENT”, to have a masterpiece, you need to have a talent to draw and to make good and interesting stories that will catch the attention of the readers. If you can’t draw, better hire an artist that will draw for you and if you can’t make good stories, better hire a writer that will make stories for you. And lastly, “DEDICATION and DETERMINATION”. You need to have the dedication and determination. Mangaka need to be a hard worker and have patience. Patience is not apply only in creating of manga but also in selling your manga to a manga publishing and audiences or readers and fans. If you don’t have the dedication and determination, I’m sure only in page 3 you will stop making manga and will give up. Being Mangaka or Manga Artist is a long way.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


I always work hard because of her. She's always there for me to comfort me every time I'm frustrated at everything specially with MANGA. I dedicated all my hardship to Gerlie Aquino. I'll swear that I'll become a successful manga artist and do my best to make her happy. If time will come that I'll become stable in financial. I'm going to marry her. I LOVE YOU MY BEST FRIEND. ^_^

Sunday, March 8, 2015


GoodNews to all artists,fans, and readers, I'm going back to work in manga/comic industry. My manga is now moving and can be read at a new website called " TAPASTIC". I'm going to try if this will be the answer of my financial problem. If this will become successful, I'll promise I'll quit my job as a call center agent and I'm going pursue and give time for making comics, if things will be settle and stable. Well, wish me luck guys ^_^. I'm going to overwork this for my future and for my dreams. Also forget to mention. Thank you so much of supporting Subject Code AION. I'll make sure that I'll be more productive than before and expect more chapters to come. ENjoy reading and thank you so much. Ready my manga by clicking the Link: