Thursday, June 5, 2014


My name is Earl John Severino, an amateur traditional manga artist. I been making making manga for 3 years. I started to do manga at the age of 18. For 3 years, I already made 3 manga but all of them are incomplete. My first manga is "With A Smile", a comedy romance highschool story (already stopped since gaijinmanga closed their site). My second work is Subject Code Aion, Comedy romance action story which is still continue to update(you can still read em at, and lastly B.B love or bring back love which is in hiatus since I focus to Subject Code Aion. For three years, only one manga is successful(FOR ME) although they not really pay such decent amount XD, but still it's a miracle that someone see my Subject Code Aion as a good manga. I been submitting many webcomic host such as gaijinmanga, paradisemanga, smackjeeves, mangamagazine(now inkblazer), komikia, I even try to lulu and batoto, but all of them sort of (IM NOT LUCKY XD). I may not be good manga/comic artist like Kevin Libranda, Ashikai,DED, Novil, Wave, Matsuyama Takeshi, Nozmo, Studio Kawaii, Drake Tsui, or Loom, the thing is that I love what I'm doing even though I almost give up of making manga. Even my mother told me that this dream of mine is foolish. I'm dreaming for impossible. There is no future for me in this manga world. Well, thanks to my being hard headed, I'm still continuing making manga because I believe there is no such as easy life as an artist. We gamble fifty-fifty. We just wait for the publishers or readers to decide if it is worthy to read or not, pass or fail for publishing, or best or worse manga or comic. For me, all of them is part of experience. If they don't like my work then I'll make new one better than before. but as long there are people who likes my work then I shall continue if that's will satisfy for me and for them but as long I can make money because of them lol. Yes, I'm just being a practical person, who wants to make a work without been paid off? We also work hard and put effort just to make one page. materials and talents should be paid off right? pens and papers are expensive XD, there is no such as free in this world today. Even noob like me should have a money. Well, that's life supposed to be. Unfair. Therefore, I need to learn much more and even become better so that one day people in this world will recognize my works and my dedications. Hope you enjoy reading.
OH, by the way. NOOBS like me should never surrender. Time will come that you will rise and heads up and you will proud to say that you are an artist. Good luck to me and to you!!!

Monday, June 2, 2014

SUBJECT CODE AION is back!!!! CHAPTER 9 the battle of akohito and malphas

you heard it right!!! i will continue of writing and drawing Subject Code Aion. Previously on chapter 8, Malphas was not amused of what Damu did, since Damu is on good side now weeee. (SPOILER ALERT)Malphas use his inner hold powers to kill Damu, (I won't tell if Damu is dead or not).
Akohito going to rage again (as usual) then malphas and akohito FIGHTING SCENE *ching ching* XD but this time Akohito will use his presence power of Agate. I think my art style is different from previous chapter, since I'm starting to use gray scale colors. LINE WEIGHTS, BACKGROUNDS, and SCREENTONES. ALSO there are several changes in art in chapter 1 to chapter 4, especially in Agate's hair (just putting an Gray color XD)
THAT'S ALL FOLKs and by the way try reading my new version of my subject code aion at or at SUPPORT MY COMICS BY READING. THANK YOU